Putney Conservatives invite you to a debate on
An open discussion highlighting the issues and challenges for Britain’s prison system and potential solutions to this ongoing problem
Keynote Speakers
Rory Stewart OBE MP Minister for Prisons
Rory has pledged to resign if he fails to reduce the levels of drugs and violence in ten target jails within a year.
Jonathan Aitken Prison Chaplain at HMP Pentonville
author, former Cabinet Minister and prisoner (to include a dialogue with a former cell neighbour).
To be joined by panellists,
- Peter Dawson, Director Prison Reform Trust
- Fran Findlater, CEO and Founder of Bounce Back
- Holly Price, Training & Development Director Keltbray Group
Chaired by Justine Greening MP
To be followed by wine and canapes
Wednesday 28th November @ 7.30pm
St Mary's Church, Putney High Street, London SW15 1SN
Click here to buy tickets at £30 each
RSVP to Liz Taylor at [email protected] or 020 8944 2905
Or send a cheque payable to
Putney Conservative Association, 1 Summerstown, London SW17 0BQ